Wednesday 30 May 2012

May 30, 2012

The day before yesterday we didn't do much. We did nothing all morning, and then three of us went to the Copenhagen nature center, and the other two (including Eva and myself) stayed. A few hours afterward, Jeffrey and I took the metro to the grocery store.
So ya, that's about it for what we did yesterday. Yesterday, we went to rosenbourg castle. It is AWESOME! Inside, everything is so rich that once you're through 1 floor you're like "oh ya, big crystal chandelier, big deal".
The reason I only have one photo is because the outside is kinda boring, and the inside you need to pay for photo permission, and we only got that for one person.
Today we are doing this awesome Viking museum thing in Roskilde, and we just looked through the main hall. So ya. BTW, the day before yesterday, a whole bunch of people came riding up the ramp of our apartment building on i2 segways. That was weird.
That's about it.

Monday 28 May 2012

May 28, 2012

Yesterday, we did two things:
We visited the round tower, and we saw pistolstræde
The round tower is a tower that's connected to another building, and the tower has a spiral ramp going up inside it.
The rooms of the building it was connected to were accessible via the tower and there were three I think:
The church took up the bottom half of the building, and above it was the library hall, and above that was the bell loft. At the top of the tower was the observatory, with a wide walkway around it.

Pistolstræde was disappointing. It was supposed to be a short street restored to how it was two hundred years ago. What we found however was a narrow pedestrian street with modern stores selling designer brands and stuff like that. It was so disappointing, I didn't take any photos.
But, pictures of the round tower are below, and they are interesting.
After that stuff, on the way back, we walked by a shop with an interesting display in the window:-)

PS: I got photos of the metro.

Sunday 27 May 2012

May 27, 2012

Yesterday, we went to the beach, and dug and built with sand. We didn't actually do much at all at the beach, just basically dug a hole each and built a wall each. The sand was really cool, first it was beige, but it went black really fast as you got farther down. The reason I don't have photos is that iPods don't like sand.
Did I mention Copenhagen's metro yet? It's awesome. The trains are white, and have three cars, each connected without a door separating them, so it's like a long hallway. I promise to get photos of the metro, so ya. That's about all.

Friday 25 May 2012

May 25, 2012

Yesterday and today we did lots of stuff. The main thing yesterday being that we went to Tivoli, a permanent fairground with lots of cool/scary stuff. The scariest ride I went on was the Star Flyer, a ride that consists of a very tall tower, and swing seats that revolve around it. I reckon the tower was about 400 meters tall, because it loomed over the rest of Tivoli.
Once again I apologize for the lack of photos, but I was so absorbed in having fun that I forgot :-(
Today we basically just chilled out until about five, and then we went down to the most around this building (it's name is 8tallet) and paddled around. When we were done, we came back up here, and I started doing this post. When we were out yesterday before Tivoli, we saw this really awesome building (at least I got a photo of that), and part of it was the royal stables.
So, that's about all I have to say, so ya.before the really cool building, we went and saw the old port of copenhagen, and yay I have pictures!
So ya, that's about all I have to say.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

May 22, 2012

Today we basically just lounged around, apart from a few things that were not far away at all. Those things being a small water ballon fight, and going to see a recreation of a Viking ship, which I wish that I took some pictures of.
In general, not much to say about today, although tomorrow we are going to go somewhere in Copenhagen.
Sadly I do not have any new photos
So ya, that's about it.

Monday 21 May 2012

May 21, 2012

Ok, so... I was right about having a long day of trains ahead. We ended up stopping in hamburg, in a very nice hotel that was right across the road from the train station. We got up early, and walked across the road, and got on our train to Copenhagen, which actually went on a ferry! When we arrived in Copenhagen, we met up with the brother of the people we are house-swapping with. He gave us directions to get to the building that the townhouse/apartment is in, so we took another teeny train ride within Copenhagen to get to the station closest to here. From that station we walked.
We're staying in a really cool building, but I don't feel like taking photos of it, so look at my parents' blog for that.
Here are some photos of stuff. One of them is the gates of Buckingham palace.

May 19, 2012

Yesterday was our last day in London. We saw Big Ben, Camden town, and a place with horse guards standing on either side of the gate. When it was time to leave London, half of us took the underground and the other half went by taxi. We had a very stressful time trying to rendezvous, and we got on our train literally about 30 SECONDS before the doors closed. Now that was scary! Just to make it even more just-got-on-in-time-ish, that was the only train that day, that went where we were going. After disembarking the train in Harwich, we got on the overnight ferry Stena Hollandica to Hoek Van Holland. Today, after getting off of Stena Hollandica, we went through whatever Holland's border control is called, which had THE SLOWEST lineup I have ever been in. It took us an hour to get 25 meters! After that we got on a train to Rotterdam , and from Rotterdam we got on this train to Amsterdam. The reason I say this train instead of a train, is that I am doing this post on it. We are in for a long day of trains today.

Friday 18 May 2012

May 17, 2012

Yesterday and today we did a lot of things, and this post will also serve as the make up post for the empire state building. The Empire State building was extremely tall, so tall that the top actually disappeared into the clouds. see photos below. We didn't get to go inside and see he 73 elevators that were in there, but we did get to go into the store Macy's, the biggest store in the world.
Moving on to yesterday, we went to see St Paul's cathedral. From the outside it was very impressive, but from the inside it was even more so. The reason I have no photos of the inside is that no photos are allowed inside of St Paul's cathedral, because it is a house of prayer. We also were not able to see the whispering gallery, but we did have a great deal of fun that day and it was very satisfying.
Now moving on to what happened today. Four things. Number one, we saw Buckingham Palace, and it was very cool. The two guards dressed in red coats and big fluffy black helmets looked kind of silly what with the either standing perfectly still or pacing, and when pacing, at the end of one round, they lifted up their knees very high to turn around. The second thing that we did today was to see the Wellington Arch and go inside. It was pretty awesome and there was a short video playing over about they are going to change the visitor centre at Stonehenge and remove the road that goes by right next to it. After the Wellington arch we went inside Apsley House, the mansion of the Duke of Wellington. Sadly, no pictures allowed in there either. Inside, the main theme was lots and lots of paintings, the colour gold and the colour white. I even saw a table made of jade. When we were done in there we were due for afternoon tea at the house of some friend of my grandmother who lives in London. There, we had tea and these miniatures scones that are called biscuits in Canada, and it was very awesome and yummy. At that house there was also a cavalry sabre hanging on the wall and I asked if I could look at it and they said sure so they took it down and I unsheathed it. It was very long compared to most swords. I guess because it was a cavalry sabre, not a sword for hand to hand combat.
After having a lovely tea, we took a bus to the London eye, bought tickets for it, and all of us but Jeffrey went on it. It was AWESOME! Those specks in the photo that look like bugs, those are people.

May 16, 2012

On the ship, it was kind of weird. Like how it was as if all the passengers are first class, and we were in the cheapest room!
Also it was kind of strange eating at a fancy restaurant all the time for the first few days until I realized there was a buffet at which point I ate there as much as I was allowed ;-)
So ya, that's about it, also, we're in London now, and we're going to see st. Paul's cathedral today!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

May 15, 2012 12:30 afternoon

We visited STONEHENGE yesterday! I can't believe it! It was sooooooooo AWESOME!
I've decided this post is going to be mostly photos of Stonehenge :-)

Also we are going to London today:-)

Sunday 13 May 2012

May 13, 2012 (later)

Ok, so today, we went to a sustainability fair. It was AWESOME. There were a lot of different tents, each one containing a different specific thing. Also, since it is a bit of a ways to the fair, there was a "shuttle bus" to it (actually it was more like a hay ride, but hey, who cares?). Afterward, we walked back because the "shuttle bus" had a flat tire or something.
BTW, Tobin, Eva and I got henna tattoos. They're really cool. We also got a henna tube and Tobin is getting henna all over his arms (teehee).gotta go and eat dinner now.

May 13, 2012

Sorry, technical difficulties erased the post I did while on board the queen Mary 2. I will try to redo them, but it may take a day or two. Also, the post about the empire state building was altered. I am also trying to fix that one. BTW, I'm in England now, and it's pretty similar to home. There's these really cool things called styles, and it's basically a bench put at a right angle to a fence, one end protruding from each side, so that the animals in the farmers field don't get out, but people can still walk along the footpaths. It's pretty cool. We are currently staying near Petersfield in Hampshire.
Yesterday we went to Portsmouth by train (electric trains are AWESOME), and saw the HMS Victory. The only reason I didn't get photos of it was that my iPod was out of battery. After that, still in Portsmouth historic dockyard, we went to a building called action stations. In it was the UK's tallest indoor climbing tower, a whole bunch of other activities(including a helicopter simulator), and a brand new laser tag called Laser Quest that just opened. So ya, that's about it, and I'll be posting some more.

Thursday 3 May 2012

May 3, 2012 2:10 pm

Last night we visited times square, and I saw my first indoor ferris wheel.
Seeing a ferris wheel inside a building makes you realize just how big they actually are.
Oh yeah, and about times square, I have never seen bigger screens in my life. I estimate that the average size was about ten meters square (given that they were all different shapes, I can't be exact).
Today we are going to go see the empire state building :-). Ok we're leaving now.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

May 1, 2012 (10:00 am)

This morning, my iPod woke us up at 7:00 because we had to catch a 9:00 train. We just barely had time to get subway sandwiches before they called us to get on board.
Know what pre-boarding is? It's getting on the train earlier than most people because you have a little kid with you or something. Well, we got to pre-board because of Tobin, and I like it!
I am probably going to do another post later in the day because This one is kind of early to be the only one today.

May 2, 2012

Yesterday, after a grueling 9 hour train ride from Montreal, we arrived in New York. My first impression of the city is kind of scary. For one, people drive like madmen. Our taxi driver (took a taxi from the train station) was winding in between other cars, and there were bikers on the wrong side! As if that wasn't scary enough, pedestrians cross randomly, narrowly avoiding cars slamming on their brakes.
As of goals In New York, all I want to do is see the empire state building, and the statue of liberty.
Today we're basically just chilling out.
So...ya. I'll post tomorrow!