Friday 18 May 2012

May 17, 2012

Yesterday and today we did a lot of things, and this post will also serve as the make up post for the empire state building. The Empire State building was extremely tall, so tall that the top actually disappeared into the clouds. see photos below. We didn't get to go inside and see he 73 elevators that were in there, but we did get to go into the store Macy's, the biggest store in the world.
Moving on to yesterday, we went to see St Paul's cathedral. From the outside it was very impressive, but from the inside it was even more so. The reason I have no photos of the inside is that no photos are allowed inside of St Paul's cathedral, because it is a house of prayer. We also were not able to see the whispering gallery, but we did have a great deal of fun that day and it was very satisfying.
Now moving on to what happened today. Four things. Number one, we saw Buckingham Palace, and it was very cool. The two guards dressed in red coats and big fluffy black helmets looked kind of silly what with the either standing perfectly still or pacing, and when pacing, at the end of one round, they lifted up their knees very high to turn around. The second thing that we did today was to see the Wellington Arch and go inside. It was pretty awesome and there was a short video playing over about they are going to change the visitor centre at Stonehenge and remove the road that goes by right next to it. After the Wellington arch we went inside Apsley House, the mansion of the Duke of Wellington. Sadly, no pictures allowed in there either. Inside, the main theme was lots and lots of paintings, the colour gold and the colour white. I even saw a table made of jade. When we were done in there we were due for afternoon tea at the house of some friend of my grandmother who lives in London. There, we had tea and these miniatures scones that are called biscuits in Canada, and it was very awesome and yummy. At that house there was also a cavalry sabre hanging on the wall and I asked if I could look at it and they said sure so they took it down and I unsheathed it. It was very long compared to most swords. I guess because it was a cavalry sabre, not a sword for hand to hand combat.
After having a lovely tea, we took a bus to the London eye, bought tickets for it, and all of us but Jeffrey went on it. It was AWESOME! Those specks in the photo that look like bugs, those are people.

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