Monday 21 May 2012

May 19, 2012

Yesterday was our last day in London. We saw Big Ben, Camden town, and a place with horse guards standing on either side of the gate. When it was time to leave London, half of us took the underground and the other half went by taxi. We had a very stressful time trying to rendezvous, and we got on our train literally about 30 SECONDS before the doors closed. Now that was scary! Just to make it even more just-got-on-in-time-ish, that was the only train that day, that went where we were going. After disembarking the train in Harwich, we got on the overnight ferry Stena Hollandica to Hoek Van Holland. Today, after getting off of Stena Hollandica, we went through whatever Holland's border control is called, which had THE SLOWEST lineup I have ever been in. It took us an hour to get 25 meters! After that we got on a train to Rotterdam , and from Rotterdam we got on this train to Amsterdam. The reason I say this train instead of a train, is that I am doing this post on it. We are in for a long day of trains today.

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